Posted by: zzgwilli | September 6, 2008

More about recovering files

Despite there being several sound recording applications, very few of them (actually just one) can sync with a desktop computer. A recently available phone app called “Dictaphone” has such a facility, but the quality of the recordings are fixed at a low 8 kbps. Newpea’s Audio Recorder supports several levels of compression up to full CD quality but has no means at all of exporting the files.

So a way of recovering the sound files from the iTunes backup is still the only way to get them.


(_) Make a copy of the backup directory and change the name to something simple
(_) Copy the backup to a suitable location
(_) Copy the python script “” to the level above this location
(_) Use the Terminal application to run the script
(_) ./ {backupfoldername}/*

The script will create a new folder at the same level called “MobileSyncExport” containing the expanded files in the original iPhone directory tree structure. Unfortunately the script cannot cope with a large number of files, so I sort the thousands of files in the backup into size order and cut it off at 1 MB. This reduces the list considerably. Audio files are typically larger so will remain in the reduced list.

Hopefully future updates to all of these programs will include a more practical means of syncing the files. This current method works, but at times just making a iPhone backup can take ages.


  1. Hi,

    I’ve bought Newpea’s Audio Recorder and I would love to get the recorded files on my mac. Thank you for you post but I haven’t understood the way to get it. Would you please explain me where is the backup directory ?

    I’ve sended a mail to Newpea about this problem but I haven’t get any response for the moment. Do you have news about the future updates since you’ve wrote this post ?


  2. Ok, I’ve finally found the backup directory and fallowed your how-to but I can’t get me out with the script. I’ve tried to copy the command line “./ {backupfoldername}/*”
    or to change the field “{backupfoldername}” by the folder’s name (a priori, “Backup”, isn’t it ?) and by the path (a folder created on the desktop) but the Terminal just reply : “-bash: ./ No such file or directory”

    Would you please help me with this ?

  3. Don’t mind, I’ve finally found how to do it. I’ve leaved a comment in iTunes to explain it.

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